Communication Toolkit

This course describes common problem areas and provides examples of how communication can be improved.


CPD Credit Information  

The free online Law Society Communication Toolkit Course is approved for 2 hours of Continuing Professional Development credit. Your CPD profile will not be automatically updated to include your completion of this course. Once you have completed the course, you must log in to the Law Society of New Brunswick member portal to report your hours.  The Law Society will not report your hours for you.


If you have been directed to complete one or more modules by The Law Society either through a Hearing Panel, Committee or Department, it is your responsibility to advise that Committee or Department, in writing, of the date you completed the module(s); i.e. your completion of the modules will not be communicated to that Committee or Department merely because you completed the course on this website or reported your CPD credits in the Law Society member portal.

Course value: Up to a maximum of 2 CPD Credits.

  1. Communication Toolkit

    Review Textbook now

    Communication Toolkit Quiz

    Take this quiz

    In the test, you will be asked questions based on the material in the textbook available on the left. Lawyers completing the course for CPD credit are not required to obtain any particular grade.

  2. Communication Toolkit Survey

    Take survey

    Congratulations on completing the Communication Toolkit. This course was developed to assist lawyers communicate more effectively in their practice.

    It is important for us to understand your experience so that we can improve this course for future participants. Please take a few minutes to give us your overall impressions and feedback.