
A full discussion of your responsibilities towards students-at-law in your office is outside the scope of this module. However, if you decide to take on an articling student, you must familiarize yourself with the rules regarding your obligations, the student's obligations, and the procedures that must be followed in the student-principal relationship. These are found in sections 25-36 of the General Rules under the Law Society Act, 1996
You have an obligation to ensure your articling student receives proper training and does not engage in prohibited activities. If the scope of your practice does not provide a sufficient articling experience, you will have to arrange for a referral to one or more associate principals to ensure your student receives proper articles.  Consult section 75 of the General Rules under the Law Society Act, 1996 for a list of activities a student-at-law may do with the supervision of his or her principal. 
The Law Society's website provides an Admissions Program Guide which contains important information about the Articling Program and the obligations and responsibilities of both students-at-law and principals. If you decide to take on an articling student, review the resources on the Law Society's website and contact the Director of Admissions for any additional information you require.