Diary Systems
Your diary and reminder/bring forward system are critical tools for ensuring you do not miss limitation periods and other important dates. Do not rely on your memory alone! Adopt the habit of entering limitation dates and bring forward dates immediately and in the proper system, and entering all appointments in your diary or calendar system. This is another area where case management software can be of great assistance.
If you have an assistant or another staff member helping you in the office, make sure that they fully understand how your diary and reminder/bring forward systems work. Staff members are invaluable in this respect because they can provide an extra layer to make sure that no date is missed.
You will enter many categories of dates and reminders in your calendar and reminder system. These include:
appointments with clients;
court dates or deadlines;
renewals of judgments;
limitation periods; and
various office management dates such as tax remittance dates and membership dues and insurance payment renewals.
A more detailed version of this list can be found in “Loss Prevention Planning Checklist” prepared by the Law Society of British Columbia.